North Star Template

A curated collection of the best resources, practices and examples regarding the North Star Metric

Learn how to set your own north star metric​

Drive allignment and meaning for your teams​

Align your entire product team toward a singular, measurable and inspirational goal. And provide a sense of achievment when everyone knows how their work impacts the product

Find your North Star

Learn through workshops, practical examples and explanation videos and try to set your own north star with actionable guidelines

Case studies ​

The best way to learn is to emulate. Go though case studies for the top products in the world and work following the guide work out their north star

We curated the best information out there

In this template you’ll find refferences to the best resources that we have found and additional comments from us, on things that we wish would have been made clearer when first learning about the subject

Learn how to set your own north star metric​

Drive allignment and meaning for your teams​

Align your entire product team toward a singular, measurable and inspirational goal. And provide a sense of achievment when everyone knows how their work impacts the product

Find your North Star

Learn through workshops, practical examples and explanation videos and try to set your own north star with actionable guidelines

Case studies ​

The best way to learn is to emulate. Go though case studies for the top products in the world and work following the guide work out their north star

We curated the best information out there

In this template you’ll find refferences to the best resources that we have found and additional comments from us, on things that we wish would have been made clearer when first learning about the subject